
Thursday, July 9, 2020

First ever online rant about a patient

Most things that I will be ranting about here might seem mean and cruel but it has almost always happened to me when I am exhausted , hungry, sleep deprived , overloaded etc. I am pretty sure you know how cranky you get when you are in such a situation

So here goes

I pull 12 hour shifts at the hospital in the COVID-19 ward, usually it is heartwarming to see patients recovering and leaving the hospital while thanking you personally for your care. Sometimes it is gut wrenching to explain to the relatives/guardians over the phone or from a distance that their relative/friend/family is gonna succumb to the illness. Usually people think these are the only two things a doctor goes through. But on some days you just wanna agree with the virus.

A few weeks ago was one such day.

*Intercom rings*
Usually it is the nurses in my ward who answer the phone ...but since they were at the bedside administering drugs or checking vitals , i answered it. 

ER Nurse : Doctor is there a bed available for a new patient?

Me: There is but tell me the patient history.

ER Nurse : A young woman has come to the ER and since we are doing mandatory testing for COVID-19 i wanted to know if a bed is available in case she turns out to test positive for it.

Me: I know all that but tell me the history why is the patient in the ER in the first place ?

ER Nurse : Sir you're not gonna believe this but the patient is an 18 year old woman who attempted suicide due to some domestic issues by drinking nail polish

Me: Oh crap! what are her vitals like???

ER Nurse : Sir hear me out .... the patient drank nail polish and then a minute later she decided she didn't want to die so she drank nail polish remover as the antidote to it.

Me: ..........

So these are the kinda days when I feel I'm so done with humans and that the pandemic must run it's course.

So anyway this woman was kept under observation and treated symptomatically and she turned out to be negative and hence was discharged.

Thank you 
That is my rant for today 
In case anyone sees this and has some tips on helping me improve my blog please let me know.

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